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    Artificial turf

    Best sport-functional properties and lower material requirements?

    We´ve got the answer.

    Artificial turf systems for sports

    Best functional sport-functional properties and lower material requirements?

    A modern artificial turf pitch is available all year round and can also be played on in poor weather conditions. Regardless of the external conditions, the artificial turf pitch should always reliably guarantee the best sport-functional properties and key characteristics, such as ball roll and bounce, optimum damping properties and traction or protection against injuries. The role model here is nature, because an artificial turf pitch should also look similar to natural turf.


     Bodenbeläge für Gewerbe

    Artificial turf systems for sports

    Best playing characteristics thanks to elastic infill granules

    High-quality infill granules made of EPDM are the most important factor for the performance of a modern artificial turf pitch and guarantee its sport-functional properties and year-round usability. GEZOFILL is a foamed rubber granule made of EPDM that has been specially developed for use in artificial turf and therefore optimally meets the requirements of players for a modern artificial turf system. Its low bulk density also means that less material is required per m² for infill. GEZOFILL EPDM infill granules therefore guarantee the best sport-functional properties with economical and resource-saving material requirements.

    Gezolan In-Situ


    Infill granules are filled in loosely into the artificial turf and ensure its functional properties.

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      Gezoflex Logo
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      The foamed GEZOFILL EPDM rubber granules for artificial turf pitches have been specially developed for use as infill granules and therefore offer numerous product advantages over alternative products.

      Gezoflex Orange Langlebigkeit

      Low Bulk Density

      Gezoflex Orange Oekonomisch

      High-quality Raw Materials

      Gezoflex Orange Unbedenklich

      Optimal Pro­cessing

      Gezoflex Orange Einfach Zu Verarbeiten

      Certified Quality

      Gezoflex Orange Langlebigkeit

      Low Bulk Density

      Gezoflex Orange Oekonomisch

      High-quality Raw Materials

      Gezoflex Orange Unbedenklich

      Optimal Processing

      Gezoflex Orange Einfach Zu Verarbeiten

      Certified Quality

      Visually close to nature!
      An artificial turf pitch should not only be similar to natural turf in terms of playing characteristics, but also in terms of visual appearance. GEZOFILL EPDM infill granules are therefore only available in colors that contribute to the natural appearance of the artificial turf pitch.

      Common colors that are used for infill granules:

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      Referenzen References

      From modern soccer courts to artificial turf pitches in clubs or schools to large stadiums – GEZOFILL feels at home on all these pitches.


      Artificial turf systems for sports

      Perfect for the requirements of modern artificial turf systems

      The decisive playing properties and characteristics of an artificial turf pitch are essentially determined by the type and quality of the artificial turf infill. GEZOFILL was specially developed for use as infill granules and therefore perfectly meets the requirements of modern artificial turf systems. At the same time, the unique structure of GEZOFILL granules ensures a lower material consumption per m². This makes GEZOFILL the best infill granules not only in terms of functional factors, but also from an economic point of view.

      Testimage Applications
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      Do you have questions about modern artificial turf systems with infill granules? Contact me for a comprehensive consultation!