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     Bodenbeläge für Gewerbe

    Typical Composition of EPDM Granules for Sports and Leisure Flooring

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    Rubber granules for sports and leisure flooring with the base polymer EPDM are often referred to simply as EPDM granules. This term suggests that these rubber granules consist only of EPDM. However, EPDM granules are what is known as compounds, which consist of several ingredients. Our technical paper clarifies the term “EPDM granules” and explains the typical composition of EPDM granules, as well as the functions of the different ingredients comprised by the granules.
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    The Difference Between Polymer Content and EPDM Content

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    Several factors are decisive in determining the quality of an EPDM granule used to make sports and leisure surfaces. In a technical paper one of the most important factors is explained: EPDM content. In addition, the important difference between EPDM content and polymer content is explicitly discussed and the question why this distinction is relevant is answered.
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    «Yellowing» Effect: Discoloring of elastic floor coverings due to aromatic binders

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    Colored rubber granules are usually processed with a one or two component polyurethane binder to install an elastic floor covering. However, certain polyurethane binders tend to yellow and, under certain circumstances, can temporarily influence the appearance of an elastic floor covering. This can be prevented by choosing the right binder. We explain the background to this phenomenon and provide appropriate solutions in our technical paper.
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    Maintenance and Care Recommendations

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    Synthetic surfaces are made of extremely durable polymers, designed to satisfy all climatic criteria and withstanding a bright variety of strains. Despite of its many positive features, however, there is no such thing as a completely maintenance-free synthetic sports and leisure floor. Regular checks, maintenance and care are necessary to preserve the suitability of the surface for its designed use. In our Cleaning and Maintenance Recommendations, you will find lots of tips and tricks for best care of synthetic sports and leisure floorings.
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