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    Why small water lovers don’t slip here?

    We´ve got the answer.

    Quomps Water playground

    • Christchurch, United Kingdom
    beitragsbild referenz wasserspielplatz quomps christchurch uk 1814x1200px.jpg#thumbnail=1200%2C%2C&srcset=1

    Projektsteckbrief Project profile

    mix icon with information en.png#thumbnail=%2C208px%2C&srcset=1

    Installation Date:

    Installed Area:
    approx. 1,500 m²

    Grain Sizes:
    1-3 mm

    gezolan kachel

    Located directly at the Christchurch Quay, this area offers a play area and a gated water playground with a shallow paddling pool and various water features.

    gezolan kachel

    This water playground is a perfect example of the use of GEZOFLEX EPDM granules in wet areas.

    gezolan kachel

    The following GEZOFLEX EPDM granules were used as color blends and individual colors:

    067 Green
    084 Bright Blue
    069 Yellow
    066 Beige

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