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HomeCompanyNewsPart 1 – Impressions of our colleagues from 5 years of GEZOLAN USA

Part 1 – Impressions of our colleagues from 5 years of GEZOLAN USA

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VON BY Sven Prause |
6. July 2023 |  2 min.
gezolan webseite bild spr autor 2.png
6. July 2023 |  2 min.
VON BY Sven Prause

The 5th anniversary of GEZOLAN USA is an opportunity for us to look back on the positive development of GEZOLAN USA together with our colleagues from the very beginning. Luis Delgado (Product Quality Manager) starts off by telling us what connects GEZOLAN with the Avengers.

Name: Luis Delgado
Position: Product Quality Manager
With GEZOLAN since: July 2018

What do you remember about your early days at GEZOLAN?
Being a production operator, it was very challenging. We were new to this process and no one had a lot of experience. We had to accept every challenge as we went along and grow without being afraid of failing.

How would you explain GEZOLAN’s development during the last five years?
I would describe it like watching the Avengers. A lot of action, challenges, and need for people to step up and lead.

What specific anecdote / special moment from 5 years of GEZOLAN USA would you like to share?
I remember getting my first business card when I first became the process engineer. That was a special moment for me.

What are your five good reasons why you like working at GEZOLAN?

  • Provide amazing work life balance.
  • We allow people to fail, so they can grow.
  • We give employees the opportunity to learn through external or internal trainings or classes.
  • Leadership is genuinely kind towards people.
  • GEZOLAN leadership and as a whole has invested a lot into my life and I am very grateful for this.

What do you wish GEZOLAN and our employees for the future?
The realization that success and fulfillment is closer than we know.

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